

The HPLAB has adequate facilities to research human behavior and brain activities. Facilities include (1) four sound-proof chambers where two of them are electromagnetic noise-proof chambers, (2) two Neuroscan SynAmps2 EEG Amplifier to acquire EEG signals (including Hyperscanning), (3) BIOPAC MP150 to measure EDA, ECG, and RSP, (4) Electric shock device, and (5) transcranial electric current stimulation (tECS) device. Furthermore, Korea University has a 3T Simens research-dedicated fMRI located at science campus.

Lab logo and Github page

Inuk Song designed the current logo and GitHub page. He created the website because he hated reading the paper in some weekend.

Github resource code

Originally, this site constructed by jekyll, and the code was based on Trevor Bedford’s code. To make marvelous Github page for your laboratory, drop by Bedford’s GitHub page.