Yang Seok Cho

Principal Investigator
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Research Interests

Response Selection processes (Stimulus-Response Compatibility effect)

Attention (Stroop Effect)

Visual perception (Metacontrast Masking)

Human Factors


2002.8 - Ph.D. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Cognitive Psychology

1993.8 - M.S. Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Experimental Psychology

1991.2 - B.A. Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Psychology


2014.3 ~ present - Professor, Department of Psychology Korea University

2009.3 ~ 2014.2 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology Korea University

2005.9 ~ 2009.2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Korea University

2003.8 ~ 2005.8 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychological Sciences Purdue University with Dr. Robert Proctor

2002.8 ~ 2003.8 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychological Sciences Purdue University with Dr. Gregory Francis

Profession Organization

Chair of Korea University Institutional Review Board since 2017

Member of the Psychonomic Society since 2005

Member of the Vision Sciences since 2003

Editor of the Korean journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology 2017-2019

Secretary-General of the Korean Psychological Association 2016-2018

Information Director of the Korean Psychological Association 2012-2013

Scholarships, Awards, and Honors

The Korean Psychology Association Kim Jae-il Early Career Award 2007

Outstanding Teaching Award, Korea University, Seoul, Korea 2005

Awarded Purdue Research Foundation Grant, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2001 & 2002


Investigating the Nature of Spatial Codes for Different Modes of Simon Tasks_Evidence From Congruency Sequence Effects and Delta Functions

Object‐based suppression in target search but not in distractor inhibition

Proactive suppression is evident even if the probe-recognition assumption is not evident_complementary relationship between proactive and reactive suppression

Feature‐based attentional control for distractor suppression

Reactive control in suicide ideators and attempters_An examination of the congruency sequence effect in cognitive and emotional Simon tasks

Visual Complexity of Head-Up Display in Automobiles Modulates Attentional Tunneling

The congruency sequence effect of the Simon task in a cross-modality context.

Value‑driven attention and associative learning models_ a computational simulation analysis.

Loss aversion in the control of attention

Cortical representation of musical pitch in event‐related potentials

The modulation of value-driven attentional capture by exploration for reward information.

Discrepant predictions from computational models of associative learning on the effect of contingency uncertainty

A Finer-Grained Search Reveals No Evidence of the Ettentional Capture by To-Be-Ignored Features

Response Mode Modulates the Congruency Sequence Effect in Spatial Conflict Tasks Evidence from Aimed‑Movement Responses

A Computer-Based Method for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Iterative Chicken Game

Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Neural Dynamics in Theta Oscillations Related to the Inhibition of Habitual Behavior

The effects of induced and trait anxiety on the sequential modulation of emotional conflict

Cross-task congruency sequence effect without the contribution of multiple expectancyresponses

Uncertainty Modulates Value-Driven Attentional Capture

Eye Fixation-Related Potentials during Visual Search on Acquaintance and Newly-Learned Faces

The role of attentional slippage in Stroop dilution

Impaired cognitive control during reward pursuit and punishment avoidance

Response Inhibition in Emotional Contexts in Suicide Ideators and Attempters. Evidence From an Emotional Stop-Signal Task and Self-Report Measures

Adaptive Changes in the Dynamics of Visual Attention With Extended Practice

Beneficial effect of task-irrelevant threat on response inhibition

The effect of threatening facial expressions on inhibition-induced forgetting depends on their task-relevance

Attentional orienting by non-informative cue is shaped via reinforcement learning

Cognitive control under high threat_The effect of shock on the congruency sequence effect

The effect of threatening facial expressions on inhibition-induced forgetting depends on their task-relevance

Memory facilitation for emotional faces_Visual working memory trade-offs resulting from attentional preference for emotional facial expressions

Uncertainty as a determinant of attentional control settings

Determining the scope of control underlying the congruency sequence effect_Roles of stimulus-response mapping and response mode

Multiple attentional control settings at distinct locations without the confounding of repetition priming

The cognitive loci of the display and task-relevant set size effects on distractor interference_Evidence from a dual-task paradigm

Development of the Korean facial emotion stimuli_Korea University facial collection 2nd edition

Sequential effects in preference decision_Prior preference assimilates current preference

Prolonged interruption of cognitive control of conflict processing over human faces by task-irrelevant emotion expression

Memory-based attentional capture by colour and shape contents in visual working memory

The modulating effect of emotional valence on the speed of involuntary attentional capture

Attention and memory bias to facial emotions underlying negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Control processes through the suppression of the automatic response activation triggered by task-irrelevant information in the Simon-type tasks

Adjustment to subtle time constraints and power law learning in rapid serial visual presentation

Investigation of engagement of viewers in movie trailers using electroencephalography

Self-concept in fairness and rule establishment during a competitive game_A computational approach

Modulation of alpha oscillations in the human EEG with facial preference

Polarity correspondence effect between loudness and lateralized response set

Effect of abrupt onsets attentional capture by the color word in the Stroop task

Attentional capture as an alternative view of perceptual load theory and early-visual crosstalk account

Congruency sequence effect without feature integration and contingency learning

The Effect of the Chance of a Distractor Capturing Attention on Distractor Interference

Interaction between Spatial Compatibility and the SNARC effect

Congruency sequence effect in cross-task context_Evidence for dimension-specific modulation

Referential coding contributes to the horizontal SMARC effect

Context modulation of facial emotion perception differed by individual difference

Likelihood of attending to the color word modulates Stroop interference

The Korea University Facial Expression Collection(KUFEC) and Semantic Differential Ratings of Emotion

Neural Correlates of top-down processing in emotion perception_An ERP study of emotional faces in white noise versus noise-alone stimuli

Transfer of magnitude and Spatial Mappings to the SNARC Effect for Parity Judgements

Impaired color word processing at an unattended location_Evidence from the Stroop task combined with inhibition of return

Transfer of orthogonal stimulus-response mappings to an orthogonal Simon task

Influence of color word availability on the Stroop color-naming effect

Effects of temporal integration on the shape of visual backward masking functions

Influence of response position and hand posture on the orthogonal Simon effect

When is an odd number not odd? Influence of task rule on the MARC effect for numeric classification

Is the psychological refractory period effect for ideomotor compatible tasks eliminated by speed-stress instructions?

Testing models of object substitution with backward masking

Computational Models of Visual Masking

Stroop dilution depends on the nature of the color carrier but not its location

Polarity correspondence_A general principle for performance of speeded binary classification tasks

Representing response position relative to display location_Influence on orthogonal stimulus–response compatibility

Influences of multiple spatial stimulus and response codes on orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility

Stimulus-set location does not affect orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility

Effects of response eccentricity and relative position on orthogonal stimulus–response compatibility with joystick and keypress responses

Stimulus and response representation underlying orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility effects

Influences of hand posture and hand position on compatibility effects for up-down stimuli mapped to left-right responses_Evidence for a hand-referent hypothesis

Effect of initiating action on the up-right/down-left advantage for vertically arrayed stimuli and horizontally arrayed response

The up-right/down-left advantage occurs for both participant-paced and computer-paced conditions_An empirical observation on Adam, Boon, Paas, & Umiltà (1998)

The Effect of Stimulus-Response Compatibility on Hangul Transcription Typing Behavior

Assignment process of hand and finger parameters in the programming of rapid manual response sequences


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