Research Interests
Emotional Control, Joint Simon
2015.3 ~ 2017.2 - M.S. Cognitive Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2011.3 ~ 2015.2 - B.A. Psychology Major, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2017.3 ~ present - Vanderbilt University
2015.3 ~ 2017.2 - Graduate Researcher, HPLAB, Psychology dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2014.8 ~ 2015.2 - Undergraduate research assistant, HPlab, Psych. Dept., Korea University
Conference Presentation
Jeong, H., & Cho, Y. S. (2015, Nov.). Freeze or fast! Different impact of shock on the congruence sequence effect. 23rd Annual Meeting of OPAM, Chicago, IL, USA
Jeong, H., & Cho, Y.S (2016, Nov). Threat of Electric Shock Eliminates Control Over Affective Stimuli. 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA
Park, B. Y., Jeong, H., Cho, S. A., & Cho, Y. S. (2015, Nov.). Importance of individual’s task set in joint Simon effect. 23rd Annual Meeting of OPAM, Chicago, IL, USA