Research Interests
Joint Simon, Attentional Caputre
2016 ~ 2019 - Ph.D., Arizona State of University
2014.3 ~ 2016 - M.S. Cognitive Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2006.3 ~ 2014.2 - B.A. Psychology Major, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2014.3 ~ 2016 - Graduate Researcher, HPLAB, Psychology dept., Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2013.3 ~ 2014.2 - Undergraduate research assistant, HPlab, Psych. Dept., Korea University
Conference Presentation
Rheem, H., & Cho, Y. S. (2015, Nov.). Cue-target compatibility as an indicator of attentional capture. 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL, USA
Rheem, H., Kim, S. Y., Lee, Y. Y., Lee, S. M., Gilliam, B. È., Lee D. H., & Cho, Y. S. (2014, Nov). Target Compatibility modulated by Cue Type and Cue Validity. 22nd Annual Conference of OPAM, Long Beach, CA